香港來到緊急關頭!以下轉載網上(英文),請廣傳!PLEASE SHARE!
香港來到緊急關頭!以下轉載網上(英文),請廣傳!PLEASE SHARE!
Let more people to know what's Hongkong happening
Say NO to Mainland China colonization of Hong Kong.
NO to patriotic "national" education. NO to brainwashing children.
NO to cross-border schoolchildren.
NO to 5 million annual Mainland Chinese tourists. It's overwhelming.
NO to simplified Chinese. NO to Mandarin usage in Hong Kong.
NO to "free" Hong Kong identity for children born in Hong Kong from Mainland Chinese parents.
NO to building a "visa-free" tourist region for Mainlanders.
NO to agglomerate Shenzhen and Hong Kong.
NO to extra border crossings and cross-border infrastructure.
Voice your opinion. VOTE on 9th September.
We're the last hope of Hong Kong's autonomy, promised by the Sino-UK Joint Agreement. (and not to mention, come out and support those going on a hunger strike and those protesting students outside Hong Kong Government Office in Tamar, Admiralty.)
謝:香港資訊站 Hong Kong Info Station提供